Central Committee for Holding Myanmar Gems Emporium The Information about 59th Myanmar Gems Emporium 2024

The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation

Central Committee for Holding Myanmar Gems Emporium

The Information about 59th Myanmar Gems Emporium 2024

  1. The significant 59th Myanmar Gems Emporium 2024, under the supervision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, will be held from May 3 to 12, 2024 at Maniyadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw. Genuine Myanmar pearl, gems and rough jade lots will be sold at the Emporium.
  2. The local gems entrepreneurs who got the permit and the local gems merchants who got the license to operate in the finished gemstone making and dealing under the Myanmar Gem Law, will be allowed to attend and purchase the lots at 59th Myanmar Gems Emporium, 2024, according to the terms and conditions.
  3. For further information in detail about granted admission to purchase Lots at 59th Myanmar Gems Emporium, 2024, any merchants can inquire and keep contact with Emporium Central Committee, Myanmar Gems Enterprise (Head Office), Myanmar Pearl Enterprise (Head Office) in Nay Pyi Taw.

Emporium Central Committee



